Posenet by Dan Oved, converted to a single Webpage by Jeremy Ellis

I have tried to simplify Posenet with this single file html/javascript Github here
Posenet by Dan Oved using Tensorflowjs Machine Learning in Javascript for Node and your browser. Orignial github at Posenet Github Original Demo at Posenet Demo Here

Converted by Jeremy Ellis Twitter @rocksetta Machine Learning Website at https://www.rocksetta.com/tensorflowjs/
Use at your own risk!

Working on the following, presently single pose not working

Set variables

Now click start Refresh page to switch cameras


poses[0] is the first poses found in the webcam.
  1. nose
  2. lefteye
  3. rightEye
  4. leftEar
  5. rightEar
  6. leftSholder
  7. rightSholder
  8. leftelbow
  9. rightElbow
  10. leftWrist
  11. rightWrist
  12. leftHip
  13. rightHip
  14. leftKnee
  15. rightKnee
  16. leftAnkle
  17. rightAnkle