Take a simple Matrix math caculation using Tensorflowjs Tensors and Scalars and add them together. Code doesn;t seem to hard,
but it cannot be changed
And now use the same Tensorflowjs matrix math but make it completely dynamic using farily easy Javascript input text boxes.
Note how the code looks much more difficult but the dififculty is only the Javascript. The Machine learning the same as the top
example, but looks much more complex in this example
The point being the Javascript is what needs to be understood in this example
Note: When converting to Tensorflowjs Version 1.0.0 we have to explicitly tell it that the values are
such as : dtype ('float32'|'int32'|'bool'|'complex64'|'string')
tf.tensor1d([ ])
.toFixed() Decimal places: only works for individual outputs
myResult.dataSync()[ ] <= -1 to show all array values.
Note: First value reference with 0 etc